Thursday, 19 February 2015

What Are Negative Ions

What Are Negative Ions

Negative Ions are oxygen atoms with an extra electron, and they can help you feel better.
Negative ions can be found in nature, concentrated in air by the billions; on mountain tops after thunder storms, near water falls, forests, and by the sea. Negative Ions give the air its invigorating freshness. "The normal Ion count in fresh country air is 2,000 to 4,000 negative Ions per cubic centimeter (about the size of a sugar cube). At Yosemite Falls, you'll experience over 100,000 negative Ions per cubic centimeter. On the other hand, the level is far below 100 per cubic centimeter on the Los Angeles freeways during rush hour." Today, the health benefits of Negative Ionizers are well recognized all over the world. While most ionizers on the market are man-made machines, the Salt Crystal Lamps are a beautiful, less costly, maintenance free, natural alternative of Mother Nature's to improve air quality. With time, the Salt Crystal Lamps will not reduce in size, color or shape, and will not lose weight, or their ionizing effect.

Sources of Harmful Positive Ions are;

  1. TV Set
  2. Microwave Ovens
  3. High-Voltage Networks
  4. Computer Monitors
  5. Vacuum Cleaners  
  6. Heating & Cooling System
  7. Tobacco Smoke  

Scientific tests have revealed that the ratio of negative to positive ions should be between 1.02 to 0.98 and the air's composition of negative ions should range between 1000-1500/cm3. Measurements have shown that the number of negative ions decreases to 200/cm3 in a closed room containing several people The impact of negative ions is powerful. Originally, it was found to speed recovery in burn or asthma patients, but was later discovered to affect serotonin levels in the bloodstream, stabilize alpha rhythms and to positively impact our reactions to sensory stimulant. The greater level of alertness can translate into improved learning, improved well being and enhanced human performance on mental tasks. Ionized air also substantially reduces the number of airborne bacteria indoors.

Dr. Albert P. Krueger, a microbiologist and experimental pathologist at the University of California, found that an astonishing small quantity of negative ions could kill bacteria and quickly take them out of the air so they were less likely to infect people.

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